Germany Wilkerson

Teacher –  Speaker – Fertility Coach

I never imagine that infertility would be apart of my journey to motherhood. The countless appointments, never ending shots, the roller coaster ride of emotions and a depleted savings account were not the stuff my childhood dreams were made of.  I imagined that having kids would be easy. As it turns out, the journey to motherhood was anything but easy, it was hard! It was extremely confusing and the process was overwhelming.

The journey to motherhood was nothing like i imagined

I got married at the tender age of 23 and like you I had my future family all mapped out. After all, I had 23 years to imagine what it would all look like: 

  • A tall handsome husband who loved & adored me
  • 2 or 3 kids running around and bringing me joy & adventure
  • The perfect home to house us in

I envisioned that whenever we were ready we would simply decide to have a baby, enjoy the baby-making process and then I would get to surprise my husband with a positive test and we would cry tears of joy together.

helping you Thrive Through Infertility and Miscarriage

I've been where you are

I am the mother of one joyous, adventurous baby boy but it hasn’t always been this way. I know what you are going through because I’ve been there too!

In pursuit of motherhood I went through three IVF cycles and experienced the emotional roller-coaster that comes along with it. 

My journey to motherhood included the following:

  • IVF
  • FET
  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Twin pregnancy loss
  • Natural fertility
  • Pregnancy after loss
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Endless testing
  • Male factor infertility
  • Emergency surgeries
  • Unexpected hurdles
  • Tube removal

On the outside, I was a put together woman rocking life.

On the inside, the weight of infertility and the pain of miscarriages were crushing me. Trying to conceive had become an exhausting recurring pattern of disappointment. I walked through those hard times and wondered, "God do your love me, are you still there, are your plans for me still good?"

I felt STUCK, like infertility was robbing me of the motherhood journey i desired.

Instead of using the power I had already been given to embrace and enjoy each day and overcome any hurdles that came with it, I was allowing faulty mentalities and external circumstances to keep me trapped. I didn’t realize that I had access to all the tools necessary in order for me to not just survive infertility but to thrive through it.

It's time to take action

How i began to thrive

It was the time in between my second and third cycle where I committed to work necessary to overcome limiting mindsets and beliefs and did the work to heal mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually from my failed cycles and ectopic pregnancy. This lead to the birth of my signature Fertility Through Faith Coaching Method.

Through this method I learned what it meant to go from powerless to EMPOWERED and to not only create an environment for optimal fertility, but also to change my unhealthy mindsets by aligning them with my hope found in Christ and I experienced freedom like never before.

 I was finally able to overcome my anxiety and fears, honor my losses and embrace the journey with my faith-based confidence as I navigated all the hurdles and obstacles that came along with it!

I decided to create joyful motherhood as a way for me and women like me to tell our stories, sharing our truths and become equipped to thrive along the most profound journey women will ever travel (and tackle by faith!): infertility in pursuit of motherhood.

Maybe you are like me and you desperately desire to:

  • Navigate through infertility with a sense of purpose knowing that God is with you every step of the way
  • Have a vision, action plan and strategy on how to THRIVE that's tailored specifically to you
  • Master the negative, fear-based voice of fear, doubt and insecurity
  • Gain the tools and confidence to advocate for yourself
  • Relieve symptoms such as depression, anxiety, overwhelm and stress
  • Step into the confident and strong woman that God created you to be even in the midst of infertility and loss
  • Gain the clarity, confidence and momentum you need to move forward
  • Breakthrough limiting beliefs and align your thoughts with your hope found in Christ
  • Experience joy and peace through every phase of the journey
  • Grow in faith, practice self-love and develop spiritual resilience
  • Rewire your brain for consciousness, gratitude, trust and peace

I hear you. You are not alone.
I aim to give your the support I wish I had through my journey.

I am here to assist you in navigating the deep waters of infertility, pregnancy loss and motherhood after pregnancy loss.

Allow me to help you sort through the confusion so that you can see the possibilities that are before you and make an informed decision on how to move forward in your pursuit of motherhood.

Let me use my expertise to equip and empower you to find joy on the journey to motherhood through faith-based tools, tips and strategies

I can't wait to learn more about you and watch your transformation begin!

I am here to remind you that you are not alone! I am here to help equip and empower you with the faith-based tools, tips and strategies that you need in order to thrive through infertility and child loss.

If you’ve tried it all and are ready to THRIVE try a one-on-one session today!